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Showing posts from September, 2017


Some Facts about the Desert Iguana

1) Description – the desert iguana (Dipsosaurus Dorsalis) is 10 to 16 inches long when fully grown. It has a large, round body with a long tail. In fact, the tail of the desert iguana is longer than its body. Described as "blunt-headed", desert iguanas have very distinct coloring patterns. The head of the desert iguana is colored brown. This coloration diffuses into reddish brown pattern which could be described as looking like a net. The desert iguana has gray spots on the trunk and neck. Desert iguanas also have dark spots on their white or gray tails. A row of dorsal scales are located down the center of the back of the desert iguana. 2) Habitat – As can be gleamed from its common name, the desert iguana lives in arid desert regions. Desert iguanas are commonly found in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts founding the southwest of the United States. They are also located in Northwestern Mexico and some islands on the Gulf of California. In the southern part of its habitat...

Bird Watching Scopes - Find Out More with Clearer Vision

Binoculars for Bird Watching

Best Bird Watching Optics, How to Find One

Exotic Pets: Tortoise

Exotic Pets: Tigers

Exotic Pets: Sugar Gliders

Exotic Pets: Stick Insect

Exotic Pets: Snakes

Exotic Pets: Skunks

Exotic Pets: Serval

Reality Check for Potential Owners of Exotic Pets

Exotic Pets: Raccoons

Metabolic Bone Diseases in Exotic Animals

Exotic Pets: Macaws

Issues with keeping Lizards as Pets

Exotic Pets: Hermit Crab

Diet for Exotic Pets

Exotic Pets: Degu